Tuesday, 1 October 2013

DECAY: completed at last

Hello maids!

Thanks for the feedback on the sample pieces I had made in preparation for working on my "decay" project... following your encouragement I decided to use what I had already had - and this is the final outcome. I broke four machine needles while making it, so I think I better invest in some jeans needles if I am going to carry on making work like this!

It was inspired by an old rusting fishing boat that I photographed on the Scillies in July, so I have also include two of those shots.

I enjoyed our time at the Truro Museum, I have been inspired by some amazing old ceramics that included plant textures - there was even teapot in the shape of a cauliflower! So I think I'm going to explore using some of these natural textures and translating them into quilted textures. Something quiet and formal for a change.

See you all soon, chris

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‘Textile Maids’ is a group of like-minded Contemporary Textitle Artist in Cornwall, providing encouragement; creative direction and the enhancement of techniques, with a view to collaborating in exhibitions.