Wednesday, 30 October 2013

'Decay' Challenge...

Here are a few of the finished pieces for our 'Decay' Challenge.

'Decay' challenge
It's always interesting seeing and chatting about how ideas come together, from decaying forest floor, rust and crumbling walls, to discuss, experiment and challenge ourselves to try new methods.

We have some good news to share with you.....a few of us will be venturing off soon to check out a possible exhibition venue for next year, we're all very excited and we'll keep you posted.

Our next challenge will be 'Architectural Structures'.

Bye for now

Tuesday, 1 October 2013



There is a never ending cycle of leaves, twigs and bark falling to the floor of the forest. Layer after Layer, after Layer. Gradually breaking down and decaying. Until finally becoming a rich and fertile humus which enriches and feeds the earth and new life.

I really enjoyed doing this challenge because I was able to use lots of techniques, some I had not used before.
Techniques included:
Rubbing Plates, Home made Stencils, Hand Painting,
Painted Bondaweb, Lutradur, Tyvek and Paper.
Hand dyed scrim.
Expandapaint which I had not used before.
Machine quilting.
and I  Embellish with hand embroidery, beads and foil.

This is a close-up of some of the details.


I used a poem from D H Lawrence

all finished

DECAY: completed at last

Hello maids!

Thanks for the feedback on the sample pieces I had made in preparation for working on my "decay" project... following your encouragement I decided to use what I had already had - and this is the final outcome. I broke four machine needles while making it, so I think I better invest in some jeans needles if I am going to carry on making work like this!

It was inspired by an old rusting fishing boat that I photographed on the Scillies in July, so I have also include two of those shots.

I enjoyed our time at the Truro Museum, I have been inspired by some amazing old ceramics that included plant textures - there was even teapot in the shape of a cauliflower! So I think I'm going to explore using some of these natural textures and translating them into quilted textures. Something quiet and formal for a change.

See you all soon, chris

About Me

My photo
‘Textile Maids’ is a group of like-minded Contemporary Textitle Artist in Cornwall, providing encouragement; creative direction and the enhancement of techniques, with a view to collaborating in exhibitions.