Monday, 21 October 2019

Stitch, Dye, Print, Paint...

We thought it was about time we shared a few images from our projects. Below you will see snippets of finished pieces, wip and some of our sketchbooks work...

Margaret - detail of finished piece

Margaret - detail of finished piece


Liz - detail of wip

Jane - sketchbook


Jenni - wip

Debbie - detail of finished piece

Debbie - sketchbook

Debbie - sketchbook

Debbie - detail of finished piece

Sue - sketchbook

Sue - sketchbook

Sue - sketchbook

Before we go here are a few of Jane's sumptuous handmade books, I should have taken photo's of the inside because they're not your unusual blank pages, perhaps next time.

Hope you enjoyed these little tasters, back soon with more to share.

Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Sharing a moment...

Last week I was stewarding on the Embroiderers Guild stand at Craft for Crafters at Westpoint, Exeter. We had taken a few of our “Travelling Books” with us to try to interest passers by, with some success. For those not in the know, these are small sketchbooks filled with a selection of textile works created by different Guild members, passing the book on through the group, hence the ‘travelling’ description in the title. Everyone ends up with a real treasure box of stitched gifts.

These books were displayed on a table, so were easily accessible, and we encouraged people to turn the pages.; they are also very tactile and are good for starting a conversation off.
One group of lovely ladies came to look and were most interested as they create journals, using a lot of mixed media. One small piece in a book really caught the attention of one soul, as it reminded her of a piece of work on the wall of her local hospital. As she explained in more detail, and showed me a photo on her phone, it became apparent she was referring to our Textile Maids exhibition in the Trelawney gallery at Treliske Hospital. She had been visiting, and when she left the ward she looked up and saw our display of work on the wall. This lady described how seeing the art work helped to lift her spirits.

I shared this with the Textile Maids, and it has touched us all....that was exactly what we were hoping for when we put the work up at Treliske, that the work would in some way give some colour, or light to those walking down that corridor.


About Me

My photo
‘Textile Maids’ is a group of like-minded Contemporary Textitle Artist in Cornwall, providing encouragement; creative direction and the enhancement of techniques, with a view to collaborating in exhibitions.